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    Bear finds shelter in Peterborough jail

    One year old cub found freezing, emaciated in cottage driveway

    Peterborough/ Ontario - One occupant of the county holding cell over the weekend had matted hair, cuts on her feet and hadn't eaten in days - but officers said she was the most popular inmate anyone could remember.
    The one-year-old black bear was laying motionless and freezing on the driveway of a local cottage when the owners arrived from Oshawa Ont., on Friday night.
    A string of panicked phone calls put them in touch with veterinarian Kristy Hiltz and her husband, Const. Dave Mc Naab.
    The cub has since spent evenings at the Mc Nabb- Hiltz household and days in the slammer.
    "She's been better behaved than most of our clients", said Mc Naab. "This is the first time we've had a bear in the cell, so she has lots of attention."
    When the Markoff family arrived at their cottage, they were surprised to see a black lump curled up in the middle of the driveway.
    Emaciated and abandoned, the cub looked like she was dead.
    "We knew it was an animal, but didn't realize it was alive," said John Markoff. "When she saw us, she started shaking and whining with her paws in the air, so we knew we had to do something to help her."
    After speaking with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Hiltz thinks the cub was separated from her mother in the fall and has been trying to hibernate on her own.
    "If these folks hadn't called the OPP, she probably wouldn't be alive."
    The bear was to be delivered to Peterborough Champlain Animal Hospital today, where it will stay until a transfer to a bear rehabilitation centre can be arranged, Hiltz said.

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