Dogsitter available to Berlin free of charge, very shortly

  • Hello!
    I'm writing to see if I can find a dogsitting assignment in Berlin through this site. My name is Petra and I live in Finland. I would like to combine my yearning for both dogs and traveling at the same time. I love dogs but cannot own one due to limited hours at home during working weeks. Berlin I would like to visit, because it is one of the biggest cities in Germany and I haven't visited it before. I did have my fourth birthday in Hamburg, though :smile: .

    I have experience in many dog breeds: Grosser Munsterländer, Afghan hounds, Golden Retriever, Labrador and Cavalier King Charles spaniel, to mention a few. I am 200 % trustworthy and I don't smoke. My occupation is civil servant (M.Sci; B.A.) and I work with issues regarding corporate finance.

    I am available during 29 July - 12 Aug. Please give me a reply if our needs meet(!!). And pls,make the word go around if you know someone in Berlin who needs a dog sitter :smile: :smile:

    Many thanks,


  • Hey guys, like Freddy Mercury said: Please, find me, somebody too-o--oo-o (love) DOGSIT!
    Come on, you must know someone who needs a dogsitter in Berlin?

    :) Petra

  • sorry cant help as I do not live in Berlin. not many english "speakers" (or writers) on here, and as these forums go mix of very young people who dont need one (and dont understand you) and very very serious dog owners who wouldnt need you either (but for different reasons)

    good luck though !

    you might want to give more informations though, even i wonder: why are you in berlin, and do you always combine your holidays with taking dogs for a walk ?

  • *merk* englischkenntnisse aufbessern... :ops:
    Kann jemand übersetzen??

  • Im Groben... sie ist aus Finnland und ist vom 29. Juli bis 12. August in Berlin und bietet ihre (kostenlosen) Dienste als Dogsitter an, da sie selbst aus zeitlichen Gründen keinen Hund halten kann. Sie möchte das Hundesitten mit ihrer Reise verbinden.

    Für 1:1 Übersetzung bin ich grad zu müde ;)

  • Zitat

    Im Groben... sie ist aus Finnland und ist vom 29. Juli bis 12. August in Berlin und bietet ihre (kostenlosen) Dienste als Dogsitter an, da sie selbst aus zeitlichen Gründen keinen Hund halten kann. Sie möchte das Hundesitten mit ihrer Reise verbinden.

    Für 1:1 Übersetzung bin ich grad zu müde ;)

    Aaaaahja. Danke :)

    Und Nein, danke..... :???: was eine Idee....
    Aber Tierheime suchen doch immer Gassileute...

  • Yehaa, I got answers, thank you! Special thanks to Pipalong, who told that this is not possibly the best place to look for an assignment. Can you please tell me on which site I'd have better luck?

    Nevertheless, surely the dog owners talk to each other about their problems regarding finding proper 'Hundezitters', oder? I am only making this very easy. And consider the amount of money they save not having to put the dog(s) to a 'Hundehotel'. And it is much less stressful to the dog as well to be able to stay at home. This is my purpose here. And, like I said, i AM 200 % trustworthy and also a very responsible person. So I have no intention of stealing anybody's dogs here. I promise I will even bring Finnish dog treats with me :lol: .

    But seriously, we all get the positive sides out of this. Isn't it wunderbar! :rollsmile:


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