Dogsitter available to Berlin free of charge, very shortly
Ja, very wunderbar
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hast du hier Dogsitter available to Berlin free of charge, very shortly* schon mal geschaut? Dort wird jeder fündig!
Even if you'd say you are 1000% trustworthy, it doesn't make it look any better.
I don´t really get you either - if you visit Berlin, you might want to visit Museums, Churches etc. Are you aware that in most of these places dogs are not allowed to bring to?
And I fall into Pipalongs´line: For what reason are you visiting Berlin? Where are you staying?
I´m finding your request absolutely weird...and would not commit my dog to you based on the vague infomation you are giving concerning your stay (but I don´t live in Berlin anyways).
Please, don´t feel offended. I´m just trying to make you understand what dogowners might think of while reading your request...
What about visiting one of Berlins dog/animal shelters and take the dog there for a walk ! It's public holidays now and I'm pretty sure they need helping hands there !
Ok, now I get what's wrong! I'm sorry, I didn't explain this idea clearly enough. It seems that you are not familiar with this dog sitting thing. Please visit to get the idea. I am also listed there (costs 30 $/3 months). The problem there is that most of the assignments are in United Kingdom. I wouldn't mind going there either, but the olympics are going on in London and the traffic and public transportation are jammed during these days. And going to other parts of the U.K. would require too much traveling (I need to sit on a train for 5 hours only to get to Helsinki).
So, the basic idea of the house sitting thing is that while the dog owners are on holiday the dog sitter comes to live in their home with the pet. The dog sitter takes care of the dog and keeps him/her company. This way the dog owners can go on holiday without having to worry about how their dog and home are doing. The dog sitter can also take care of plants and other small tasks that are agreed on.
I hope this helps to clarify things. And thank you to all of you that asked these questions(!!). This could really be a good thing to all of us.
Well... letting a stranger into my home is one thing but I would never never ever give my dog/pet to a stranger whilst on holidays.. anyways my dog is going on holidays with us.
Die Ursprungsidee ist die Reise nach Berlin. Sie möchte gerne kostenlos irgendwo wohnen und als Gegenleistung gerne auch auf Hunde aufpassen, nebenbei naürlich auch auf die Wohnung. Sie verweist dazu auf die Homepage von, bei denen sie auch gelistet ist.
Eigentlich keine schlechte Idee, um günstig Urlaub zu machen, es gibt ja mittlerweile einige Angebote dieser Art, z. B. Wohnungstausch mit anderen. In Deutschland aber noch sehr ungewöhnlich.
Hunde stehlen möchte sie glaube ich nicht. Nur einen preiswerten Berlin-Urlaub.
Jetzt klingt das ja auch schon anders Vorher klang es so, als ob sie einfach für ein paar Stunden pro Tag auf Hunde aufpassen möchte. Aber wenn sie so etwas wirklich machen will, da gibt es doch Agenturen für.
Ich bleib dabei - ich würde der Person trotzdem nicht trauen.
die idee ist cool, aber helfen kann ich ihr leider nicht.
Great idea, but i can`t help you. I`m sorry.
Boah ist mein Englisch eingerostet*schäm
I think it's just not very common in Germany :) I googled a bit and there seem to be a few agencies which offer "Wohnungshüten", apartment sitting. Look here (can you speak German at all?)
Maybe you could write to them and ask them to include you in their database? It's a probably bit short notice for this year tho..The problem is that we don't know you, we have no idea if your story (although it sounds honest) is true or if it's a scam. I can't for example find you on, even if I could, who could tell me that you're you and not someone who wants to get a good look inside my house and take my things? No offense, really, but this site is called "Trusted House Sitters" but all that they can show for reference is a recommendation on the internet (that anyone could forge?). Or does anyone check the sitters out? Do they have police records, do I know they are who they seem to be (proof of identity...?)?
You sound sincere but you know, the internet... :) please don't take it personally!
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