Naturavetal Canis Plus
als das futter hier ankam ,eine üble überraschung.das futter stinkt wie ein hundehaufen.den sack mußten wir umgehend draussen entsorgen weil die ganze wohnung stank.
Das habe ich noch nie erlebt und ich bestelle seit Jahren dort regelmäßig das Futter.
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Naturavetal hab ich eine zeitlang im Urlaub gefüttert. War damit sehr zufrieden. Pepper hat es geschmeckt, Output war ok.
Leider hat unsere Zoohandlung hier nur noch abgelaufene Tüten im Sortiment und extra 1kg bestellen lohnt sich nicht....deswegen gibt's jetzt andere Sorten. -
Ich habe meinem Hund u. a. dieses Futter gefüttert, er hat es gut vertragen, und er mochte es auch.
Ich kann es nur empfehlen, du findest es auch als Empfehlung in unserem Futterlink. -
Leider hat unsere Zoohandlung hier nur noch abgelaufene Tüten im Sortiment und extra 1kg bestellen lohnt sich nicht....deswegen gibt's jetzt andere Sorten.
Du könntest direkt beim Shop eine kleinere Tüte bestellen und es kiloweise eingefrieren.
danke für die Antworten! Ich werde heute wohl einen Sack bestellen und berichte dann. Ich hoffe wirklich sehr, dass ihm das hilft!
Danke nochmal :) -
Du könntest direkt beim Shop eine kleinere Tüte bestellen und es kiloweise eingefrieren.
Wir hatten schon Mühe die 1kg Packung aufzubrauchen. Pepper bekommt im Urlaub ~50g Trofu pro Tag. Da ist selbst 1kg fast zu viel....
Hello, I have one question
And sorry but I'm new here and Idk where to write cause my deutsch is bad so..I hope some of you speak english
I'm from Croatia but right now I'm in germany and I saw some food for cats and dogs which we don't have there in Cro. It's called real nature wilderness from the fressnapf, and I'm wondering is that food good? Cause I bought a lot for my cats and dogs.. I saw it has everything in it and it's expensive so, I thought it must be good hh but I wanna know from others who tried that food, how is it and that thanks -
Hey @Marcela77777 it's not a bad dog food, but when you look up the ingredients, you can see that that Real Nature uses synthethic vitamins and minerals.
Dogs can react with allergies and intolerance. There are much better dog foods especially for that price! I was searching a long time for a real good food and hope I found it.
My dog reacted with diarrhea and stomach pain. When you wanna talk about that you can contact me :)Cinnamon
Which varieties of Real Nature Wilderness did you buy?
Most dog foods in Germany have added vitamins and minerals in it, because it’s difficult to hit the perfect amounts and ratios just with natural ingredients.
Apart from that dry dog food/ kibble has to be heated and that destroys the natural vitamins. That’s why they are supplied afterwards.Allergies are usually caused by certain proteins. But if none of your animals show symptoms, you needn’t worry.
The raw protein values in some varieties of Real Nature Wilderness are too high for normally active dogs. If what you bought has more that 24%, you could alternate or mix it with a kibbles that has 24% or less.
Catfood with high protein is fine, as far as I remember, but cats should be fed with dry food because they often don’t drink enough. That’s why there should be water in the food.
Maybe you could add water to the dry catfood? But you should really ask those questions in a cat forum. -
@Cinny* oh man..I didn't know that
But I'm sure my dogs wouldn't react bad cause they're used to everything hh
But who knows, I will see. I hope everything will be fine
Yeah I know but I never saw that food before cause we don't have one. And I liked what I saw and bought it. But they are all in Croatia so I'll see when I get back home, I hope they'll like it and everything will be fine.. and they're used to on every food cause I change it all the time heh thanks@Gandorf well they didn't try it yet but they will soon. I bought dry and wet food all kinds of RN wilderness, for dogs and also cats. I didn't know that this food is that strong but I'll mix it then.. but I'm sure they will not have any problems, I'm hoping now cause I bought it a lot and I don't wanna throw it cause it's expensive haha but like I said they tried every food and they didn't had any problems with any food..they eat everything hh
and thank you
maybe I should made this first and ask and then buy.. but it's okay -
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