38176 Braunschweig Wendeburg - CATAHOULA Rüde vermisst
Eine Bekannte sucht einen Hund aus ihrer Zucht nachdem der Kontakt zu den Besitzern plötzlich abbrach. Ich kopiere Mal das FB Posting
Hello dear friends!
Looking for some help 🙏
I am in SEARCH of one of my pupps-DAMs CATAN. He lives in GERMANY- Braunschweig-Wendeburg... At least he should.
To tell the whole story:
Catan is our pupp from Kana x Lennox 2020 litter. I was in contact with his owner months before he was born, and he was informing me always about Catan untill this end of may (so one year since he got Catan) . After end of may, i cant reach owner-not answering on phone, mails, messenger,... He was called not just by me, but also by a friends from Germany.No one can reach him, also his profile on instagram dont have any new posts from end of may.
I am worried, because i have no info about dog, and i have no idea if there is something happened to his owner, or its just that he dont want to inform me about dog because some shit has happened.
I would be very happy for any info about him-we try to step in contact with owner many times, but no success. We look at shelters, by tasso, ask around... But its big country and no one knows him. And i am fear of worst😐😔.
If you have any info, PLEASE let me know in private.
Down is some datas and photos about Catan:
Male, blue leopard, DOB:27.2.2020
Instagram: https://instagram.com/catan_catahoula?utm_medium=copy_link
Last known location of his owner:Braunschweig-Wendeburg
For info about owner (if somwone knows him in person), please write me pm.
Thanks... ❤️
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