Hi Schurri,
Thank you so much for your help, it's much appreciated !
It's good to know that dogs need to be muzzled on public transport : I will get him used to it as soon as possible ! (I do have a muzzle but he has never worn it...).
For the accomodation, that's my main problem, indeed. I had guessed that dogs are not allowed in student accomodation. Thanks for confirmation.
I think, the best thing would be to find somobody who already has dogs, a "doggy person", who would kindly have a room to rent for me and my dog. So I know I can trust that person, so I know that that person will respect my dog as he/she respects her own dog(s), and vice versa for me towards the person's dog.
This is why I'm hoping that I could find that person on that forum..... hopefuly... Who knows ^^
Wow, some uni accept dogs on the campus ??? Do you mean I could go to Uni , to the classes WITH Speedy ??? That would be more than I've expected.... ! But, if dogs are allowed on the campus, they might also be allowed in certain accomodation, no ?
I'm allowed to find my own Uni, as long as it's a uni from erasmus programm. (There are many).
Yes, indeed, maybe a more rural place would be better. My only concern is that I don't want to be in the middle of nowhere. But I guess there are more dogs activities (agility competitions, etc) in the countryside, isn't it ??
To give you an idea, I went a year in England with my dog, and I started as an au pair in the north of England, country side. Au pair in a "agility family". Then I moved outside london, so not IN london, and I rent a room from a Agility person, so our dogs got on very well together, and we went to trainings and competitions together, it was really friendly.
This is why I now know what I need for my dog : A accomodation where I know my dog is safe (even if I'm not in the house/flat), and somewhere where there is dog activity, but not too far from the cities for Uni and other socialisation activities.
I'm just starting my project, but even before I ask for a meeting with a member of Erasmus, I know I better sort things out about my dog : I will probably be the only one going away with my dog, they probably can't really help me, and it's not their job anyway... But once I'm a bit more sure about the dog, I will be able to see them and they will give me more information about unis, cities, etc.
Oh, yes, and the other problem is that... as you've noticed, I can't speak german... I have very little knowledges but I know that I will not be able to take a course IN german... I can LIVE in Germany (shop in German, go to the pub in German...) but if I want to be succesful in my studies, I need them in French or English... So the other condition is that I need to find a english-speaking-univeristy... But I've heard that it's quite common in Germany.
On the other hand, the advantage (a very big one) is that I can choose more or less "any" course. I'my studying Educational Science at the moment, but next year I will have 6 months of "free" studying, so I could even study English, or psychologie, or anything ... That's really helping !
THank you SO MUCH again, I didnt expect a answer that usefull that quickly :) !!! And sorry to be hopeless in German....